
Payments Made Easy

PayPal is a fast, safe and simple way to take payments wherever your business takes you.

Accept payments - anywhere

Better online shopping experiences start with more ways to pay - PayPal, credit and debit cards anywhere.

Send receipts directly to customers

Issue invoices on the spot and send receipts direct to your customer’s phone or email.

Security & privacy protection

Your information and payments are protected so you can do business with confidence.

Get paid with paypal

There is no cost for downloading the PayPal app. 

Whether you sell online, in-person or by phone, with PayPal your customers can pay you in many different ways including credit card, debit card and PayPal. You don't need any additional devices.

Get started

Set up PayPal Here for your business in a few easy steps.

Step 1

Visit the PayPal website, login with your PayPal account OR Apply for a new PayPal Business Account.

Step 2

Read through the Your Business page and click “Continue” to register. 

Step 3

Fill out the required business and personal details.

Step 4

Confirm your Identity. PayPal are more likely to be able to confirm your identity if you enter your driver's licence number, ABN or ACN (if applicable).

Step 5

Registration successful. Once you have confirmed your identity, PayPal will be set up for you. You will then receive a confirmation email.

Get Started

Don't forget to download the PayPal app from Apple's App Store or Google Play.


Need help getting started?

Telephone Support for Setting up PayPal

Telephone Support for Setting up PayPal
1800 729 725 (Monday-Friday AEDT Business Hours 9am-5pm)

PayPal Here Business Support – After sign up
1800 323 891 (Monday-Friday AEDT Business Hours 9am-5pm)

Terms & Conditions

The PayPal service is provided by PayPal Australia Pty Limited (ABN 93 111 195 389) which holds an Australian Financial Services Licence number 304962. Any information provided is general advice only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consider the Combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure Statement available at before acquiring or using the service.